This was originally meant to be a place to put all the things that would remind me of him, all my feelings and such toward him, but...
He's left me.
For context, he still loves me, he said it himself and I still love him more than I can describe but he said we fought too often now, and that we were both too mentally unstable for us to continue to be together.
I still love him more than anything. At times, I don't know what I'm going to do without him. I know we will one day be back together, but that day cannot come soon enough.
In any case, now this is going to be a mixture of the shine and a bit of my vent page.
This was his Discord pfp, which matched with mine, for a while. It matched until the day we... broke up.
The character was from a show called 'Gotham', which we would stay up late and watch together on VC.
Another thing, the colours of the page. His favourite colours were green and purple, not orange and black.
But I chose this because his favourite Batman characters were Scarecrow and Riddler. He changed his profile picture to Scarecrow after we...
But it was still really fun.
I would be in my bed, drawing while watching and my heart was so full of excitment and love because I knew he was there with me.
I miss him more than you can imagine.
I miss those times with him.
I only held Him only once.
It made me breathe. It was like overdosing on oxygen, the feeling of pure joy.
I touched His face only once. Our lips met. It felt familier.
I'd only done it once.
My angel, my entity. He jokingly called me that, a reference to my Non-binary identity.
He doesn't know what I think of Him, how horrible it is to love Him.
He told me He loved me, He kissed me back.
But He doesn't know I'm obsessed with Him. I've told Him as such but I don't think He realises how I worship Him.
He doesn't know.
He doesn't realise that He is the angel to me.
more to come...